Wappalyzer is a useful browser extension that helps you analyze the technologies used on a specific website. With Wappalyzer, you can easily understand the web technologies being used, from programming languages, frameworks, databases to social media services. This helps you get an overview of the technologies applied on a website you’re interested in.
Extension Information:
- Extension Name: Wappalyzer
- Homepage: www.wappalyzer.com
- Chrome Web Store: Wappalyzer – Technology profiler
The usage of the extension is also relatively simple. After installation, you access any website and click on the extension’s icon, and it will automatically analyze the technologies of that website for you.
Note: The extension may not be able to detect 100% of the technologies used on a website.
Let’s take a look at the analysis results of the following 2 pages:
about.gitlab.com Page

www.geeksforgeeks.org Page